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Motivation Analysis

MotiveMetrics "Most Promising AI Solution Provider of 2022"

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CIO Review, the Navigator for Enterprise Solutions, recognized MotiveMetrics as the "Most Promising AI Solution Provider of 2022" in recognition of its software innovations leveraging AI for Search Intent Based Content Creation.  In fact, MotiveMetrics has been leveraging AI for understanding consumer behavior and developing motivational messaging tailored to target audiences since it was founded in 2015, long before ChatGPT became the rage in Q4 2022.  

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Speak to WHY for Google AI

Google BERT Algorithm

AI has undeniably changed how brands understand their customers and interact with them.  Today's AI understands consumer motivations more deeply than what is typed into a search box.  Gone are the days when all you had to do was embrace the established definitions of search intent.  Now to compete successfully in the Paid Search channel you must embrace the role of AI, customize your ad copy to specific customer motivations, and do it at scale.  

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